The summer of 2010, I think will be the summer of the deck and of canning fruit in my mind forever. We finished the deck this weekend, 48 days after we started. It looks so lovely. It was nice to have just a few things left to finish up. It felt like we had a bit more time to accomplish things. We crammed in lots of activities, which leaves me on Sunday evening feeling satisfied and tired.
This weekend we:
had a lovely meal with Chris's parents, his sister and her husband to celebrate my birthday belatedly. They just returned from a trip to Germany, Bosnia and Croatia and brought back wine, beer steins and beer glasses for us.
finished the deck with the help of my dad and brother.
started several new projects.
joined friends at our neighborhood pub for dinner.
laid in bed listening to the rainstorm.
built two benches.
potted new plants.
'Twas an excellent weekend .
Was a very busy weekend, indeed!