Friday, July 16, 2010

An Interview with a Creative Few: Lannette Guerra

Lannette Guerra is a designer for Exhibit Associates in Kansas City, Mo. She designs exhibits for museums, trade shows, private corporate clients like Hallmark, Garmin and Cerner. For fun, she enjoys taking photographs.

(Vinegar and oil display shelf)
1.What do you create?
First question has already stumped me, what DO I create? Hmmm…. well I create form and space. I house our belongings and make things easier and more organized so we can navigate our life better.

(spice rack made from watch cases and magnets)

2. How did you get started?
Whenever I find clutter it starts a revolution in my mind, I immediately start designing a solution. You can sometimes find me sitting quietly in room staring at a wall or a corner, some people find it odd, but I’m actually working on a problem. I’m designing, not on paper, or a computer, I’m working on my invisible laptop that sits above my neck =).

(bench cubby for to hold file storage containers)

(Holder for old design magazines)\

3. What inspires you?
I’m inspired by my travels. I pick up colors, shape, and functions from the daily elements in our lives; you might see a manufactured piece that describes itself as a chair, I see a table, you see a wine rack, I see a magazine rack. As you walk down the beach and you admire the sunset, you might find me downloading the sky’s color gradient into my internal mental hard drive. In life, every experience, memory and task serves as a later design inspiration.

(wine rack)

(finished wine rack)

dining room table


4. How do you promote your work?
This is tricky; I have yet to self-Market. I’m still in the timid stage of being a young designer. However, I use Facebook/ Twitter/ Flickr, as social networks as well as promotion devices.

Check out Lannette's blog where she talks about her projects, architecture and photos at

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